You were once that honest girl I use to know but what happened ?
you act like a waste cattie and I hate the fact that you are. You don't
even act like a best friend anymore, you think just because you got
"alot" of friends that you can just abanddon me. Your a fake, your
starting to act like that bitch I use to be best friends with. What
happened to you ? you act like a big fat lie. I feel like telling you
straight up that your being a bitch but I'm a good friend and I'm
not gonna hurt your feelings. I know your changing and all that shit
but you don't have to start making feel like I'm not welcome in your
life. You just have to stop, you even promised me that you would
never change but look what you did, you broke that promise. Don't
even feel like being your best friend anymore and you know that I
hate change and especially FAKES like what your turning into.
Once you read this, you know that your just making everything
worse by acting like this.

what the f is wrong with you ?